Toddler Program

A key element of the toddler program is fostering independence in children, which is critical to developmental success at this stage. Children in the toddler program range in age from approximately 14 months to 3 years. Children are ready to move from infant care to toddler care when they can walk and eat solid foods well.

1 year 3 years 1:4 1:4 $337

Primary Caregivers

Each toddler is assigned to a "primary caregiver." A primary caregiver is a full-time toddler teacher who is responsible for individual children's care. This provides continuity of the relationship as the child, teacher, and parents establish a special bond. The result is a strong, effective communication network and a more personal, predictable atmosphere for everyone.


Activity Organization

There is a balance of small group, large group, and individual activities throughout the day. These activities are designed to promote the following categories:

Language Development


Sensory and Perceptual Development


Peer Interactions


Large Motor Skills


Small Motor Skills


Field Trips

Field trips add "real world" experiences in different settings. They are an integral part of the toddler program. Field trips are planned in conjunction with the theme of the classroom and allow the children to broaden their knowledge of their world and practice what they have learned.


Positive Daily Experiences in Toddlerland

Daily experiences are planned to stimulate each child's physical, cognitive, aesthetic, and social-emotional development. The team teachers plan activities and materials which promote growth and development that is enjoyable. Also, team teachers provide a nurturing and safe environment, which fosters feelings of security and confidence in the children.

Independence is developed through encouraging development of life skills and offering choices, which promotes decision-making. Toilet training is planned on an individual basis. The staff and parents collaboratively decide the readiness of the child and tactics to use.




Take the next step toward setting your child up for success by enrolling in our toddler program. Our experienced caregivers create a supportive environment where your little one will learn through play, explore, and gain a sense of independence and confidence.